Uncanny Avengers # 1 Review


In the wake of AXIS, a new Avengers Unity Squad must form.

If there’s one way to start off a new Avengers book, it’s with style.

The last Uncanny Avengers series (which i didn’t start getting until #7) was slow paced and eventually caused many repercussions. but this issue kicks off the story and follows with dynamic action, fun dialogue, and amazing art in just one issue.

The new members are great as well. Quicksilver’s arrogance, Vision’s flaws, Doctor Voodoo’s caution, and Sabretooth’s southern-style accent make for a great combination. Also, there seems to be a lot more diversity. In the last book, pretty much everyone was white. Now we have four white people, two black peoples, and an android. So i think the book speaks for itself when it wants to add more diversity to the line.

Lastly, like always Daniel Acuna’s art is top-notch. Everything, from cities to colors to even background characters who have nothing to do with the plot are perfectly portrayed.

All in all, Uncanny Avengers is a great first issue. And i hope to see more of this kind come out soon.


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